Celebrating 15 Years... A special message from our Managing Director

vet-n-pet-direct belinda and Dalmatian Stoick

Happy birthday to us! 15 years in 2020. We're smack bang in the middle of our teens and what an interesting year it has been to say the least! A milestone such as this is a great opportunity to take a pause from the blur of everyday life and reflect upon the journey that has led us here. It is an understatement to say that vet-n-pet DIRECT ticking off 15 years is an achievement I am incredibly proud of. As a small family owned company, it has certainly not been without its challenges. However, sticking to our core values has demonstrated again that if we take care of our customers and our staff with authenticity and sincerity, we are rewarded with loyalty that will help us remain here long into the future.

Pets are as much our passion now as they were way back in 2005. I sadly lost my beautiful Foxy (9 year old Dalmatian) to aggressive cancer 2 years ago despite throwing everything we could at saving her. Whilst the pain and grief from losing her is still raw (and in the early days almost unbearable), it's a pain that I am prepared to endure all over again in terms of the life shared, the joy, the good times. Pets are a major commitment in life. They constrain our activities, can be inconvenient, a nuisance even at times. But I'll happily have all of that 100 times over in exchange for their daily unconditional love, boundless energy and just sheer joy and enthusiasm for life. To this end, I welcomed another gorgeous spotty friend (Stoick) in to my life not long after Foxy's premature departure, along with the first small dog I have ever owned (Hiccup - a rough coat Jack Russell Terrier). They have brought a different dynamic in to my life for sure and I learn from them every day. Just like people, every dog is different and sometimes they turn everything you thought you knew upside down and cause you to need to learn things all over again!

In 2020, COVID-19 has certainly turned many of life's routines and activities upside down. For vet-n-pet DIRECT it has remained pretty well "business as usual" although we have been considerably busier than usual.When we took our first order 15 years ago, we knew that online shopping was the future for retail and that is even more apparent now.Online shopping saves precious time, is more efficient by many measures and confers considerable societal and environmental benefits as well. As life eventually gets back to normal (whatever that may look like), we will continue to adapt to deliver the very best online experience we possibly can whilst also managing our social and environmental obligations. The shift to using green power, using compostable or recyclable packaging and offsetting our freight emissions are just some of the many steps we are taking to be good corporate citizens and to preserve and protect this amazing planet that we and all of our pets enjoy.

Thank you to every single one of our customers... even the cranky ones 😉 our staff, and all of your amazing animal companions for building vet-n-pet DIRECT to what it is today.

Managing Director